Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Holy Poopsmith!

Ok.  The last time I posted I said how I was almost over being sick.  Then I got sick again!  WTF body... be ok already.  Doesn't help that I also did a good deal more soccer reffing as well.  All in all it's added up to getting VERY little done in the way of GLaDOS.  And then it gets better - my brain.

Suddenly, I had the urge to re-vamp (apparently for no reason at all) a card game I created back in... 2002?  It's called Tentacle Monsters Attack!
The first version was basically complete (game play wise - there was no art for it yet).  It played a lot like Kung Fu Samurai on Giant Robot Island except with a twist - where you could capture enemy characters, adding them to your own end of game total points.

The general plot scenario was that all the things used to attack your enemy were the monsters your Sexy Schoolgirl Sorority summons up to destroy your enemies with.

In the version I am revamping (slowly and just the game play), each player will be drawing a random monster to play as and attacking the girls from a pool to capture.  Only capturing them matters at all as each girl will be worth points and players can either play to a certain points limit, or shuffle in a "game ends" card into the bottom half of the deck.

As soon as I am done (probably at least a few weeks out) I'll put it in a Google Docs and let you all take a look at it and post notes to it.  Maybe some day we'll get a version printed out as a MUCH better game than Tentacle Bento, which I completely regret buying.

What else?  Right.  Art.  Been drawing a bit.  Found a new character to draw a few things of.  Her name is Dawn.  She is blonde, has a big chest... or and right, and is only female when she comes into contact with higher magics (in the Dresden Universe).  Here she is:

Thanks for being patient with me and my delays in posting.  I'm getting there on GLaDOS.  IT WILL BE DONE!


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