So some mixed news in the bag for you guys today, but first - sorry I haven't posted in a while.
Bad news: haven't had much of a chance to work on GLaDOS-B in a while - let alone much at all, though I did get a few sketches that were good done. You'll see those at the end of this post. A little more bad news - I am losing my job. After 4 years at it, the lack of overall work has forced me to look elsewhere for employment.
Good news: I GOT A NEW JOB! And along with it comes a substantial raise, thought it does mean I will be working full time constantly, it SHOULD mean that I have more free time in my off time to do things like... work on GLaDOS-B and other things.
Things still in the works/I am trying to get to them.
1a. This is mostly programming and adding sounds (squirting, exploding, etc)
1b. Make sure it's good for release - which means a bit of trouble-shooting. Still not sure why music does not stop and then restart at the beginning when you click 'replay'. May just remove the replay button all together.
2. Fan art of Beth from Sex Realm
1a. Did the initial line work for it. Looks pretty good.
1b. Not sure when I will get to finishing it, but it's mostly in celebration of him updating again.
That's it for now - all other projects are on hold behind these (because I have to limit myself).
So here's some smut to keep you company.
PS: Dawn is going through some 'adventures' hopefully soon, I can tell you a lot more about that, but here's some art for that as well:
Happy Fappin'
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