Thursday, August 30, 2018

Discord, Artist Role, and some more Art!

Work has finally started.  That means I'm exhausted all the time what with the getting up at 5:30 AM and the getting home at 4:00 PM, usually without much of a real rest in there.  But despite that I have been trying to get some things done.

First: if you didn't already know, there's a Discord Server for all HENTAI related things.  In fact, there's probably a few, but the one I've joined and gotten used to is real nice.  Good admins (wink), positive community and lots and I mean LOTS of hentai.

This is the one you'll want to look for and when you find it, you know you're in the right place:

I'll be applying for the artist role through one of the Admins on there and showing him all my stuff.  Assuming he needs it, I'll post a video on a YouTube account of some SFW stuff I've been working on, and maybe some photos of the original (paper and pencil) art that I've uploaded here and on the site for my games in progress.  I might share some of that here as well, because 'why not?'

But you all came here for more NSFW stuff so here it is!

And here's some more!


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